A Change in Name

A Change in Name

The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) has a new name with a new logo and here it is:-

We are now The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley National Landscape


Why now the changes?

Over several years two national reports, the Marston Review (Wales) and the Glover Review (England) have looked at how all aspects of AONBs can be improved including their future direction. One of the major opportunities has been a refresh in name, direction, and branding. Both reports suggest a change in name for AONBs to National Landscapes. On 22nd November 2023, AONBs, primarily in England became National Landscapes. For many years the acronym ‘AONB’ has been mispronounced, misunderstood, and has remained in the background of designations. Our parent association also changed it’s name to become The National Landscape Association. Our landscape has already been called the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley National Landscape on Google Maps and by the Times on ‘Hidden Gems’

National Landscapes teams have always delivered incredible work that makes a difference for nature, climate, and people. For every £1 of core funding they receive, National Landscapes teams deliver at least £4 of work on the ground by securing external funding, mobilising their team of volunteers, and collaborating effectively. The profile they have, does not match the immense impact the network has.

The Family

By creating a more unified identity across the 46 members of the National Landscape family, we are better able to show the collective size, ambition, and impact of our network. – We have the opportunity to make our brand more accessible and inclusive – delivering on the recommendations of both governments, ‘Landscape Reviews’ , and making all people feel welcome in these landscapes. – This rebrand is a statement of our ambition, for us to be seen as a delivery partner and creates a stronger case for funding opportunities.

Catch Up

On the 12th of April 2024 the body responsible for this designated landscape approved the change in name. The Partnership had already supported the principle and had set up a working group to scrutinise the evidence and had provided its findings to the Joint Committee. These bodies will also have a change in name to National Landscape Joint Committee and National Landscape Partnership.

On the 24th April the National Landscape Association help a celebratory event with Welsh Government Ministers at the Pierhead building part of the Senedd in Cardiff.


The National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales

Copyright © 2025 Bryniau Clwyd a Dyffryn Dyfrdwy Clwydian Range and Dee Valley.

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