Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

In the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley National Landscape we are working in partnership to deliver sustainable tourism.

Our latest strategy covers a five year period from 2023 – 2028.  It has been based on consultation, assessment and workshops with the sector.  Its purpose is to provide a direction for tourism in the protected area together with a framework for coordinating action by all concerned. In particular, the strategy outlines a long-term vision for sustainable tourism within the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley NL.

This vision recognises;

  • the increasing number of people participating in outdoor recreation which is placing increasing pressure on fragile and precious ecosystems
  • the global and regional challenges arising from climate and nature emergencies
  • the challenges facing the industry arising from the cost of living crisis and tourism trends post-Covid 19
  • the proposed National Park status for an area including the CRDV NL.


This strategy seeks to define a pathway to achieving this vision for sustainable tourism that aligns with the four key themes of the Management Plan 2020-2025; Nature, Landscape and Heritage, Adapting to a Changing Climate, Recreation, Health and Wellbeing, and the Rural Economy.

This sustainable tourism strategy for the CRDV NL sets comprehensive long-term goals that will require procedural and management changes, along with research, learning and behavioural change.  There is significant work to be done if they are to be achieved.  The challenges cannot be met by the National Landscape alone but will require a collaborative approach from the public, private and third sector.

The CRDV NL Sustainable Tourism Action Plan (2023-2028) represents the beginning of the journey to achieving the vision.  The activities outlined in the Action Plan represent a challenging but pragmatic start.

Did You Know?

The National Landscape is well served by promoted circular routes and trails.  One of its main assets is it can cater for walkers of all abilities, allowing those who are unused to strenuous or challenging walks to experience countryside views.

This Vision recognises that the communities/culture, landscape and environment of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley NL are central to the tourism offer of the region and defines how the management and delivery of tourism can promote and provide experiences of the uniqueness and beauty of the area whilst also protecting and enhancing its special qualities.

As organisations involved in the management and delivery of tourism within the NL and as partners in the development and delivery of this strategy, we are committed to delivering a high-quality experience for our visitors which is underpinned by strong sustainability principles framed by the climate and nature emergencies.

We will ensure that the offer is holistically managed by a strong partnership committed to working together to meet our sustainability objectives.

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